
Swat peace deal scrapped, all camps abolished

Swat peace deal scrapped, all camps abolishedIslamabad, Apr. 9 : The peace deal reached between the North West Frontier Province (NWFP) Government and the chief of the outlawed Tehreek e Nifaz e Shariat Mohammedi was scrapped on Thursday. Sufi Mohammad also announced that all peace camps in the region would be abolished.

Mohammed blamed the delaying tactics of the federal government in imposing the Nizam-i-Adal (Islamic courts) in the Swat region for the scrapping of the deal, thereby casting serious doubt about the nearly two-month-old cease-fire in the valley.

Sufi Mohammad declares closure of Swat peace camp

Sufi Mohammad declares closure of Swat peace campIslamabad, Apr. 9 : The chief of Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi (TNSM), Sufi Mohammad has announced the end of the Swat peace camp to protest against the federal government's non-supporting attitude towards the Nifaz-e-Shariat or the peace accord.

He said that though the provincial government is sincere with regard to the peace deal, the federal government is not.

Sufi Mohammad stressed that peace could not be established in the Swat Valley unless the Shariat is implemented there.

Former ISI ‘Midnight Jackal’ operative’s secret trysts with Zardari revealed

Former ISI ‘Midnight Jackal’ operative’s secret trysts with Zardari revealedIslamabad, Apr. 9 : Former Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) operative Major Amir has reportedly developed close ties with Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari and other top leaders of the Pakistan People's Party (PPP).

Sources said that Major Amir has met President Zardari several times in the recent past, and also accompanied him to Saudi Arabia in November last year.

Taliban captures new areas in NWFP’s Buner District

PakistanIslamabad , Apr. 9 : Expanding its activities in the North West Frontier Province (NWFP) of Pakistan, armed militants have reportedly entered new areas of Bagra and Kalabatt in Buner.

They have taken Kalabatt village Bagra police post and a government school under their control, and people have started fleeing from the region in search of safer places, the Dawn reported.

Taliban captures new areas in NWFP’s Buner District

PakistanIslamabad , Apr. 9 : Expanding its activities in the North West Frontier Province (NWFP) of Pakistan, armed militants have reportedly entered new areas of Bagra and Kalabatt in Buner.

They have taken Kalabatt village Bagra police post and a government school under their control, and people have started fleeing from the region in search of safer places, the Dawn reported.

Ethnic leaders' killing sparks protests in south-western Pakistan

Ethnic leaders' killing sparks protests in south-western Pakistan Islamabad  - Street protests erupted in south-western Pakistan on Thursday after police found the bodies of three missing nationalist leaders, officials said.

Groups of angry protestors blocked roads and stoned buildings and vehicles in different towns in the restive Balochistan province in a reaction to the killings.

A police patrol discovered the mutilated bodies of the Baloch leaders before dawn near the town of Turbat, Ayaz Baloch, a senior police officer, said.
