Health Update

Long sleep can reduce the risk of heart disease

Long sleep can reduce the risk of heart diseaseWashington: According to a new study, long sleep can reduce the risk of heart disease. Study by research team at the University of Chicago suggests that participants, who slept an hour longer per night than others, had a lower incidence of coronary artery calcification.

Low blood sugar levels in aging brains may lead to Alzheimer’s

Low blood sugar levels in aging brains may lead to Alzheimer’sA recent study by the scientists has revealed that slow starvation of the brain from glucose may lead to Alzheimer’s disease.

The study of human and mice brains shows a reduction in blood flow robs the brain of energy. This results in setting off a process that produces the sticky clumps of protein.

According to the researchers this is a major cause of the disease.    

A New Treatment For Cancer Patients In India

A New Treatment For Cancer Patients In IndiaA 70-year-old septuagenarian C Das, from Orissa was diagnosed with prostate cancer two months ago. As his family was worried about the side- effects and the cost of treatment, Dr Vivek Anand, consultant radiation oncologist at Hinduja Hospital in Mahim, suggested a new form of treatment called as prostate brachytherapy which is more convenient solution for them and has fewer side effects.

Cell Phones Would Help In Monitoring Health

Cell Phones Would Help In Monitoring HealthAcc

Even A Little Overweight—Harmful For The Heart

Even A Little Overweight—Harmful For The HeartAccording to a new study, even a little extra weight can increase the risk of heart disease. People who are not obese but a little overweight, have an increase in heart failure risk, reported Dr. Satish Kenchaiah, lead author of the study.

The study has followed 21,091 smart and healthy doctors with no evidence of coronary disease over 20 years. In this group, which now averages 53 years of age, as per pound added on, the risk of heart problem increased. The obese doctors show 180% of increase in the risk of heart failure than the leaner ones.

Chocolate, Wine And Tea Can Improve Your Memory

Chocolate, Wine And Tea Can Improve Your MemoryAccording to a new study, chocolate, tea and wine can improve people's memory. Researchers have discovered that wine is most effective in boosting the memory.

Researchers in Norway and the Oxford University conducted the study on 2,031 older people aged between 70 and 74. They studied the relation between cognitive performance and the consumption of three common foodstuffs (chocolate, wine and tea). Research showed that those who consume all three in modest amounts everyday were found to perform best when asked to carry out a series of brain tests than those who did not.
