Study: Breakfast habits can determine age of losing virginity

Study: Breakfast habits can determine age of losing virginity  Recent research has revealed that teenagers who skip breakfast as middle school students lose their virginity at earlier age as compared to those who start the day with a proper meal. Research team led by Kunio Kitamura, executive director of the Japan Family Planning Association analyzed data collected from 1,500 people aged 16 to 49.

Data regarding sexual experiences, family relationships and lifestyle habits of Japanese study subjects was collected. Data analysis revealed that the average age of first-time sex for those who ate breakfast every day as a middle school student was 19.4 as compared to the average age was 17.5 of those who skipped breakfast.

Kitamura said that the fact that people can't eat breakfast may show something about their family environment. Before blaming individuals for having sex at an early age, it may be necessary to look into the sort of homes they are from.

Kitamura added that people who said they disliked their mother had sex for the first time at the average age of 16, while the average age for those who appreciated their mother was 19.