Health Update

Chances of survival can be increased in ICU patients by giving them Antibiotics

Chances of survival can be increased in ICU patients by giving them AntibioticsRecent research revealed that antibiotics as a preventive treatment increases the chances of survival in patients under intensive care. Research team led by Anne Marie de Smet, from the University Medical Centre Utrecht studied the effect of antibiotic treatment on 6,000 patients admitted to intensive care units at 13 Dutch hospitals.

Bird Flu Spreads To New Areas In Assam

Bird Flu Spreads To New Areas In AssamThe Assam government has made it clear that the avian influenza has spread to new areas of the state.

Sources in the Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Department said that the deadly bird flu virus was confirmed in about 15 more villages. The health authorities have been asked to cull nearly 70,000 birds in these areas.

Speaking on this, a veterinary department official said, “So far about 150 villages in eight Assam districts were hit by bird flu and Rapid Response Teams have already slaughtered about 510,000 chickens and ducks since November 27.”

Study: Breakfast habits can determine age of losing virginity

Study: Breakfast habits can determine age of losing virginity  Recent research has revealed that teenagers who skip breakfast as middle school students lose their virginity at earlier age as compared to those who start the day with a proper meal. Research team led by Kunio Kitamura, executive director of the Japan Family Planning Association analyzed data collected from 1,500 people aged 16 to 49.

Ebola epidemic took lives of 9 people in central DR Congo: report

Ebola epidemic took lives of 9 people in central DR Congo: reportThe Democratic Republic of Congo's health minister confirmed the presence of deadly virus, Ebola in Western Kasai province. He added that Ebola has killed nine and infected 21.

He told media persons that analysis from samples taken on site confirmed the existence of the virulent disease, which kills up to 90 percent of its victims, mostly by puncturing blood vessels and spurring non-stop hemorrhage.

Study: Some parts of brain help in choosing words for speech

Study: Some parts of brain help in choosing words for speech Recent research led to the identification of those parts of the brain that are involved in the process of choosing appropriate words during speech. Research team led by Tatiana Schnur, assistant professor of psychology at Rice wanted to determine whether the left inferior frontal gyrus (LIFG), was necessary for resolving the competition for choosing the correct word.

Christmas sugar candies act as defense against irritable bowel syndrome

Christmas sugar candies act as defense against irritable bowel syndromeRecent research revealed that sugar candies used in Christmas celebrations are good for digestion and fight against germs. Research team led by Alex Ford, McMaster University found that peppermint oil found in the candy act as defense against irritable bowel syndrome.

In the recent research, researchers observed the action of essential oils on bacterias responsible for Listeria, Staph, E. coli, and Salmonella infections.  
