Size 14 women are most happy whereas size 24 women are least happy
Researchers from the company Special K conducted a poll to find a relationship between dress size and general happiness and satisfaction level of the women who wear them.
The study found that women who wear size 14 are the happiest as compared to women to who wear other sizes. Data collected from 3,000 British women revealed that the size 14 women are the happiest with their life and looks. A quarter of a 14 dress size women said that they were positively thrilled by the way they looked, over a half said their careers were just what and where they wanted them to be, while almost a third of all stated that their love lives were extremely satisfactory.
Size 12 was found the second happiest dress size followed by sizes 8, 16 and 10.
Size 24 women were found most dissatisfied with the way they looked. 18 percent of size 24 women and above 24 size women said that they were extremely unhappy with their life. More than one in ten size 24 women rated their love lives as extremely unhappy.
Size 20 scored the second position in the list of unhappy dress size followed by sizes 22, 6 and 18.
The Special K spokesperson said: "It's great that curvier women are happier, but we know that many women still find it hard maintaining their ideal shape. That's why we've launched a free online tool called Shapemate that has all the help and support women need to achieve their slimming goals."