Health Update

Hygaard-Brand Sandwiches may Carry Listeria

Canadian Food Inspection AgencyThe Canadian Food Inspection Agency issued warnings against two types of pre-packaged sandwiches as they may be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes. This would be the second time in less than four months that the Edmonton based sandwich producer has been forced to recall its products.

China Confirms Second Death from Bird Flu this Year

China Confirms Second Death from Bird Flu this Year The Chinese Health Ministry has confirmed the death of a 27 year old woman from Jinan city of northern China's Shandong province from the H5N1 strain of bird flu. The national Center for Disease Control and Prevention said the woman surnamed Zhang who died on Saturday was the second victim of the bird flu this year.

Listening To iPod May Increase Ear Infections, Say Reseachers

Listening To iPod May Increase Ear Infections, Say ReseachersA new study conducted at Kasturba Medical College in Manipal, southwest India, has revealed that listening to iPod can increase one’s chances of having earache.

The researchers also disclosed the fact that sharing in-earphones with one another is really unsafe for health, as it can transfer one’s bacteria to another.

According to scientists, those who use iPods and other mp3 on a regular basis are more prone to higher rates of bacterial infection as compared to those who were not regular users.

Thai officials account for 3 per cent of HIV/AIDS patients

Thai officials account for 3 per cent of HIV/AIDS patients Bangkok  - Government officials accounted for 3 per cent of HIV/AIDS patients to receive treatment in Thailand over the past 24 years, health officials revealed Sunday.

Public Health spokesman Suphan Srithamma said that since HIV/AIDS was first detected in the country in 1984, there were 337,989 accumulated patients at government hospitals of whom 92,111 had died, reported the Bangkok Post online news service.

Moderate Alcohol Intake May Prevent Physical Disabilities In Seniors – A Study

Moderate Alcohol Intake May Prevent Physical Disabilities In Seniors – A StudyIt has already been disclosed that moderate intake of alcohol everyday keeps heart diseases at bay.

This time, the researchers at University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) revealed some more advantages of alcohol intake.

The new research suggested that consumption of alcohol at light to moderate levels can also help older people to avoid the chances of developing physical disabilities that would prevent them from performing common tasks such as walking, dressing and grooming.

Gardening Boosts Men’s Sex Drive – A Study

Gardening Boosts Men’s Sex Drive – A StudyA new study has revealed that spending 30 minutes in garden daily (five days a week) can lessen impotency risk by 38 percent.

This study was conducted by scientists of the Vienna Faculty of Medicine.

The study published in the journal ‘European Urology’ claimed that other forms of moderate exercise, such as dancing or jogging can also act as “natural” Viagra.

Men who do sports regularly can halve their chance of impotence and poor bedroom performance.
