Alcohol Is Good For Sex Life, Say Researchers

Alcohol Is Good For Sex Life, Say ResearchersNow drinkers have another reason to cheer!

A new study conducted by Australian researchers revealed that alcohol consumption betters men’s performance in the bedroom.

Until now it has been trusted that alcohol use can lead to erectile dysfunction (impotence), often called ‘brewer's droop’.

The researchers think that the study’s outcome will cheer men who worry about the affects of drinking on their sex lives.

The researchers conducted the study on 1580 Australian men to testify the theory that intake of alcohol could result in erectile dysfunction.

However, the finding of the study disclosed that binge drinkers reported 30% fewer problems than who never drank.

Low-risk drinkers, who had four drinks daily for up to five days in a week, fared best.

Dr. Kew-Kim Chew, study lead researcher, from Western Australia's Keogh Institute for Medical Research, told that men who boozed within safe guidelines appeared to have the best erectile function.

She said, “We found that, compared to those who have never touched alcohol, many people do benefit from some alcohol, including some people who drink outside the guidelines.”

Weekend drinkers, high-risk drinkers and those who exceeded guidelines experienced lower rates of erectile dysfunction as compared to those who drank one day a week or less. Ex-drinkers, however, had the highest risk.

“These findings suggest a favourable association between low-risk drinking and positive erectile function,” she added.
