Health Update

Maternity leave, both before and after birth is a smart investment for women

Maternity leave, both before and after birth is a smart investment for womenRecent studies revealed that women should take break from work before and after birth of the baby.

In first study, Sylvia Guendelman, professor of maternal and child health at UC Berkeley''s School of Public Health and her collogues found that women who took leave before they gave birth were almost four times less likely to have a primary C-section as women who worked through to delivery.

Open-plan offices are injurious to heath of employees

Open-plan offices are injurious to heath of employees

UNICEF: Indian Women Do Not Keep Proper Gap Between Their Children

UNICEF: Indian Women Do Not Keep Proper Gap Between Their ChildrenA report by UNICEF has revealed that Indian women are not keeping right gap between their children. The report states that it has been seen that generally an Indian woman gives birth to her second child with 31 months of delivering her first child, which severely endangers the health of mothers and decreases the children's chances of survival.

According to UNICEF, the figures of maternal and infantile mortality are shocking and the figures are unchanged over last 17 years.

Vitamin D may reduce the risk of diabetes and other chronic diseases

Vitamin D may reduce the risk of diabetes and other chronic diseasesAccording to a new research article, enough amount of Vitamin D intake may reduce the risk of diabetes and other diseases like heart disease, cancer and osteoporosis. By taking Vitamin D, the complications in a diabetic patient can be reduced.

Women suffer more pain in arthritis than men- study

Women suffer more pain in arthritis than men- studyA new research revealed that women are more susceptible to the rheumatoid arthritis than men. Due to the disease they are more likely to suffer pain, tiredness and aches.

A consultant, Dr. Tuulikki Sokka in Rheumatology at the Jyvaskyla Central Hospital, Finland, and her colleagues analyzed the links between the disease and the gender.

Cordlife launched cord blood bank in Kolkata

Cordlife launched cord blood bank in KolkataThe scope of treatment with stem cells has widened over the years. Stem cells can be used in treatment of 80 diseases like heart ailments, diabetes, skin trauma, certain cancers like leukaemia and breast cancer, and blood disorders like thalassemia major.

Cordlife Ltd, a Singapore-based cord blood banking group launched the first Indian facility to store stem cells from the umbilical cord blood, which can be used to regenerate tissues of brain, heart and the like.
