India News

Mumbai votes as third phase of elections begin in India

Mumbai votes as third phase of elections begin in IndiaPeople in terrorism-scarred Mumbai were among the voters trickling into polling stations early morning Thursday as balloting began in the third phase of India's month-long general elections.

Political stalwarts Sonia Gandhi of the Congress Party, which leads India's ruling coalition, and the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party's prime ministerial candidate Lal Krishna Advani are among the 1,567 candidates entering the fray in the third phase.

Balbir Chotia popularising Punjabi folks songs

Abohar, April 29: For centuries folk songs have treasured people who passed it on from one generation to another. People still feel enjoy listening to folk songs.

Balbir Chotia, a music teacher by profession in a government school, is keeping the joy of singing folk songs alive.

Balbir is not a mass singer. But his style of singing is a rage in the Malwa region of Punjab. He has been singing Punjabi folk songs since childhood and remains devoted to Punjabi culture.

His first audiocassette `Nindo da Badla’ – the revenge of Nindo, was a super hit. And since then Balbir never looked back.

ASHA provides health care in Punjab villages

ASHA provides health care in Punjab villagesAbohar, April 29: With health awareness being minimal in rural Punjab, ASHA, a scheme launched by the Government of India under the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), is benefiting villagers.

ASHA or, Accredited Social Health Activist, is bringing about a transformation, as the scheme spreads awareness about mother-child health.

One such ASHA is Roshni, who has undertaken a special task today. She is visiting a newly married couple in Sitto Village in Punjab’s Ferozepur district to counsel them on childbirth or preparations for childbirth, safe delivery and immunization.

Visually impaired masseurs of Pune

Visually impaired masseurs of PunePune, April 29: Several visually-impaired girl students in Pune are being given training in basic physio-therapy and massaging techniques to enable them become self-reliant in life.

These enterprising girls despite their visual impairedness are being provided opportunities to become professionals in life.

The training is part of a four-year vocational training programme conducted at The Pune School and Home for the Blind aims to enable women self-reliant.

C-PYTE bringing the wayward youth to the right track

Chandigarh, April 29: C-PYTE, a centre for training and employment of Punjabi youth, is enabling various misguided youth affected by drug-addiction and alcoholism, to use their energy into useful activities in Punjab.

It’s a unique initiative, focussed at preventing the Punjabi youth from going wayward in life and encouraging them to tread the right track.

Launched in 1990, the C-PYTE scheme inspires and encourages the youth to upgrade their skills in various occupations and join the national mainstream. There are 13 C-PYTE campuses throughout Punjab at Nabha, Faridkot, Ranike and Dera Baba Nanak and some other places.

Is Radio Pakistan trying to influence Indian elections?

Is Radio Pakistan trying to influence Indian elections?Abohar, April 29: A question that is being asked here is whether Radio Pakistan’s Punjabi Durbar programme will be questioned by the Indian Election Commission for conducting campaigns.

The Punjabi Durbar programmes have been making allegations critical of the United Progressive Alliance Government of India for ‘neglecting minorities’ in the country.

Everyone here is aware that India is known around the world for its multi-religious, secular and democratic set up.
