
Swat lawyers concerned over Sufi’s warning against judiciary

Swat lawyers concerned over Sufi’s warning against judiciaryPeshawar, Mar. 18 : Lawyers' associations have expressed serious concern over TNSM chief Sufi Mohammad's warning to the Swat lower judiciary against attending courts in the Valley.

The Swat District Bar Association (SDBA) and NWFP lawyer bodies said on Tuesday that the move would create a judicial crisis in the Malakand Division, the Daily Times reports.

Pak cop on trial for not thrashing Long March participants

Pak cop on trial for not thrashing Long March participantsIslamabad, Mar. 18 : A Pakistani assistant sub inspector is on trial for declining to follow his seniors' order to thrash Long March participants in Islamabad.

Ironically, the Pakistan Government has accepted the protesters' demand to restore the sacked judiciary, but ASI Raja Arshad is still paying the price for his defiance.

Nawaz Sharif had forbidden policemen to obey the illegal orders of the government during the Long March.

Three suicide bombers planned to attack Long March

Three suicide bombers planned to attack Long MarchRawalpindi, Mar. 18: Pakistani intelligence reports have claimed that three suicide bombers were hiding in Rawalpindi and Islamabad respectively to attack the Long March.

Police sources told the Daily Times that the suicide squad had reached the twin cities and planned to target the general public during the March’s proceedings.

NWFP Assembly passes resolution against US drone attacks

NWFP Assembly passes resolution against US drone attacksPeshawar, Mar. 18: The assembly Pakistan’s North Western Frontier Province has passed an unanimous resolution demanding that the federal government ask the US to stop drone attacks in tribal and settled areas.

Tabling the joint resolution, independent MPA from Bannu Adnan Wazir said US drones were violating Pakistan’s airspace and firing missiles in tribal and settled areas.

Pentagon expresses concern over Pak’s efforts in war on terror

Pentagon expresses concern over Pak’s efforts in war on terror

Pak dismisses NYT report on expansion of US strikes beyond tribal areas as ‘speculative’

Pak dismisses NYT report on expansion of US strikes beyond tribal areas as ‘speculative’Islamabad, Mar. 18 : Pakistan has rebuked media reports which claimed that the United States was planning to expand its military operation beyond the ungoverned tribal areas of Pakistan, particularly in Baluchistan, where top Taliban operatives are reportedly hiding and initiating attacks on the allied forces in the southern Afghanistan.
