New Zealand

Another New Zealand finance company hit by credit squeeze

Wellington - New Zealand finance company Dominion Finance Holdings (DFH) was trying to negotiate a deal that would keep it viable on Wednesday after stock market trading in its shares was suspended

New Zealand to phase out standard light bulbs

Wellington - New Zealand will phase out traditional incandescent light bulbs next year as part of an energy-efficient lighting strategy that will save nearly 500 million New Zealand dollars (about

New Zealand farms fetch record prices

Wellington  - New Zealand farms fetch record pricesNew Zealand fa

New Zealand to investigate oil companies

Kiwi MP writes marriage proposal in the sand!

Wellington, June 15 : New Zealand’s National MP Nick Smith has got himself engaged in a very romantic fashion –a marriage proposal written in large letters in the sand.

Attempted coup in Cook Islands reported

Wellington  - A narrow majority of traditional chiefs in the South Pacific Cook Islands have tried to take over the country from the elected government, Television New Zealand reported on Friday.

It said eight of the 15 High Chiefs in the House of Ariki, a purely advisory body to parliament established 42 years ago, announced they were dissolving the government elected in September 2006 and taking over leadership of the island nation of just under 20,000 people.

The breakaway group of chiefs is headed by Bruce Mita, a Maori New Zealander and former director of a funeral home in Sydney, Australia, who had held secret meetings to help them get control of the Cook Islands' natural resources, TVNZ reported.
