New Zealand

Meet the robot with a repertoire of human emotions, learning capability

Wellington, June 21: Victoria University researchers has unveiled a robot that has the capability of showing a repertoire of human emotions, including fear, surprise, happiness, sadness, and anger.

Two die in New Zealand boating accident

Wellington  - Two die in New Zealand boating accidentTwo people died

New Zealand parliament clamps down on graffiti

New Zealand parliament clamps down on graffitiWellington  - N

Parents should be able to pick baby's sex, say New Zealand experts

Wellington - Couples having IVF (in vitro fertilisation) treatment should be able to choose the sex of their babies, New Zealand's advisory Bioethics Council told the government in a report release

New Zealand tells Fiji strongman to stick to election plan

Wellington (dpa) - New Zealand Foreign Minister Winston Peters told
Fiji military strongman Voreqe (Frank) Bainimarama, who seized power in

Gay vicar goes to ground after wedding stir

Wellington - A gay vicar who caused a row in the Anglican Church by going through a wedding ceremony with his boyfriend in London has handed in his clerical licence after returning home to New Zeal
