Sri Lanka

Ministry: Army finds rebel suicide-bomb factory in north Sri Lanka

Ministry: Army finds rebel suicide-bomb factory in north Sri LankaColombo  - Government troops advancing into the final stronghold of Tamil separatist rebels have found a suicide bomb-making plant in northern Sri Lanka, the Defence Ministry said Thursday.

The plant, located in Pudukudirippu, 385 kilometres north-east of Colombo, was also reported to manufacture claymore mines, improvised explosive devices and anti-personnel mines, the ministry said.

Government troops entered the area amid heavy resistance from Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) rebels, the army said.

Sri Lankan president aims campaign against child soldiers

Colombo  - SSri Lankan President Mahinda RajapaksaLankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa will launch a national campaign against the recruitment of children for use in armed conflict, the president's office said Wednesday.

The campaign will be launched on Thursday under which child soldiers will also be rehabilitated with the assistance of local and foreign organizations, the office statement said.

India offers Sri Lanka help to evacuate Tamil civilians

Sri Lanka Air Force bombs Tamil rebel base in north New Delhi - India Tuesday urged Sri Lanka to agree to the evacuation of thousands of civilians caught in the conflict zone with rebel Tamil Tigers and offered help.

India offered to facilitate the process of bringing the civilians to safety and medical help for the sick and wounded, according to a Foreign Ministry statement.

The statement came a day after the rebel Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) appealed for a ceasefire which the Sri Lankan government has turned down.

India asks Sri Lanka to allow evacuation of civilians

Sri LankaNew Delhi, Feb 24 : India on Tuesday asked Sri Lanka to appropriately work for the evacuation of civilians from war zones and expressed its willingness to help in this direction.

External Affairs Ministry spokesman Vishnu Prakash said that India was ready to provide all necessary help to facilitate the process of bringing innocent civilians to safety and to meet their humanitarian needs for relief materials, medicines and medical care.

Troops enter last rebel-held town in northern Sri Lanka

Troops enter last rebel-held town in northern Sri Lanka Colombo  - Government troops entered the last rebel-held town in northern Sri Lanka after heavy clashes overnight, military officials said Tuesday.

Troops entered Pudukudirippu, 385 kilometres north-east of the capital and were consolidating positions Tuesday morning, the army said.

It said Tamil rebels sustained heavy casualties in combat Monday and lost a large amount of weapons in the area.

Centre aware of impending problems in Swat, Colombo: Jaiswal

Minister of State for Home Affairs Sriprakash Jaiswal New Delhi, Feb 22 : The Centre is keeping eye on the developments in Swat Valley in Pakistan due to Talibans and in Sri Lanka due to LTTE cadre facing military action.

Minister of State for Home Affairs Sriprakash Jaiswal on Sunday said the Government of India is aware of the turbulence affecting the region.

"The government is fully aware that the country can face problem and we are ready for it. We have informed our security forces, defence and paramilitary. We have also informed our states to take all necessary measures," Jaiswal said.
