India offers Sri Lanka help to evacuate Tamil civilians

Sri Lanka Air Force bombs Tamil rebel base in north New Delhi - India Tuesday urged Sri Lanka to agree to the evacuation of thousands of civilians caught in the conflict zone with rebel Tamil Tigers and offered help.

India offered to facilitate the process of bringing the civilians to safety and medical help for the sick and wounded, according to a Foreign Ministry statement.

The statement came a day after the rebel Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) appealed for a ceasefire which the Sri Lankan government has turned down.

Referring to reports that the LTTE had declared willingness to discuss evacuation of "internally displaced persons," India appealed to the Sri Lankan government to work out "appropriate and credible procedures" to permit civilians leave the war zone.

These procedures should include international agencies being able to oversee the process, the Indian Foreign Ministry statement said.

"India is ready to provide all necessary help to facilitate the process of bringing innocent civilians to safety and to meet their humanitarian needs for relief materials, medicines and medical care," the statement added.

India has a large population of Tamils in its southern Tamil Nadu state and the condition of ethnic Tamils caught up in the conflict in Sri Lanka has been a matter of concern.

According to the United Nations and international aid groups, an estimated 250,000 civilians are trapped in conflict zones and are facing shortage of food and medicines. (dpa)
