Barack Obama

Obama names Geithner to Treasury, Summers as top advisor

Washington  - President-elect Barack Obama unveiled the leaders of his economic policy on Monday, naming Timothy Geithner to head the US Treasury and Larry Summers as his top White House economic advisor.

Geithner, currently the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, will be rescuing the financial industry from its worst crisis since the Great Depression. He has already worked closely with current Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke since the financial crisis spiralled out of control in September.

"We are facing an economic crisis of historic proportions," Obama said in a Chicago press conference that marked the first cabinet positions officially unveiled since his election November 4.

Obama names Geithner to Treasury, Summers top advisor

Washington  - President-elect Barack Obama unveiled the key leaders of his economic policy on Monday, naming Timothy Geithner to head the US Treasury and Larry Summers as his top White House economic advisor.

Geithner, currently the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, will be charged with returning stability to the US financial system. He has already worked closely with current Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke since the financial crisis spiralled out of control in September.

Obama receives cheery welcome during surprise visit to Chicago eatery

Barack_ObamaChicago, Nov 24 : U. S. President-elect Barack Obama received a cheery welcome when he stopped by one of his favourite lunch hotspots, Manny’s deli in Chicago.

Obama made the stop at the eatery with senior advisor Valerie Jarrett, and got cheers on the way out and shook hands with a crowd of fans who had assembled outside.

He also chatted around with the customers, who had come for lunch at Manny’s deli.

He asked for three corned beef sandwiches, three potato pancakes, and two slices of cherry pie.

Barack Obama skips church to work out at gym

Barack ObamaWashington, Nov 24 : President elect Barack Obama has reportedly been skipping church services, and, instead, spending his free time working out at a Chicago gym.

Sources have revealed that Obama is not attending church because his family are concerned that their large entourage could affect other parishioners.

"Because they have a great deal of respect for places of worship, they do not want to draw unwelcome or inappropriate attention to a church not used to the attention their attendance would draw," Politico. com quoted the source as saying.

Arab world wary of `Secretary of State’ Hillary Clinton

Former U.S. First Lady Hillary ClintonNew York, Nov. 24 : Should New York Senator Hillary Clinton accept Barack Oba’s offer of Secretary of State, she might just create a feeling of wariness in the Arab world because of her pro-Israel stance.

Clinton''s foreign policy views will be scrutinized closely in the weeks ahead, but as her past statements on the Middle East illustrate, she has a considerable track record that provides evidence for several plausible explanations of how she might try to focus U. S. diplomacy.

Obamobile will be far from green

Barack ObamaWashington, Nov. 24: Though US President-elect Barack Obama has promised to get a million plug-in hybrid cars on the road by 2015, his own new presidential limousine will be far from green.

According to The Times, the “Obamobile” will be a monster gas-guzzler made by General Motors, the troubled car giant.
