Obama receives cheery welcome during surprise visit to Chicago eatery

Barack_ObamaChicago, Nov 24 : U. S. President-elect Barack Obama received a cheery welcome when he stopped by one of his favourite lunch hotspots, Manny’s deli in Chicago.

Obama made the stop at the eatery with senior advisor Valerie Jarrett, and got cheers on the way out and shook hands with a crowd of fans who had assembled outside.

He also chatted around with the customers, who had come for lunch at Manny’s deli.

He asked for three corned beef sandwiches, three potato pancakes, and two slices of cherry pie.

Owner Ken Raskin — son of Manny Raskin, who started the deli in 1942, offered Obama a discount but he insisted on paying the full price for his food, reports Chicago Sun-Times.

“Any time you want an order at the White House, I’ll deliver it personally,” Raskin told him.

After his 15-minute stop, Obama and Jarrett sped back in the motorcade to his transition office in the Loop to continue assembling his Cabinet. (ANI)
