Listening To iPod May Increase Ear Infections, Say Reseachers

Listening To iPod May Increase Ear Infections, Say ReseachersA new study conducted at Kasturba Medical College in Manipal, southwest India, has revealed that listening to iPod can increase one’s chances of having earache.

The researchers also disclosed the fact that sharing in-earphones with one another is really unsafe for health, as it can transfer one’s bacteria to another.

According to scientists, those who use iPods and other mp3 on a regular basis are more prone to higher rates of bacterial infection as compared to those who were not regular users.

The researchers based their results on the analysis, which involved 50 health medical students. Half who were regular iPods users were placed under ‘Group B’, and the remaining half who said that they were not regular users came under ‘Group A’.

The researchers detected, “Group B showed heavy growth and a significant increase in the number of bacterial growths after frequent and constant use.”

Bacteria were found in the ears in 92% of those who did use in-earphones frequently and 80% of people who didn’t.

They study researchers concluded, “Frequent and constant use of earphones increases the bacterial growth in the ear.”

The swab samples showed the growth of Staphylococci, the bacteria, which can cause swelling and earache.

The microbiologists stated, “The majority of the isolates were Staphylococcus spp. (MSCONS) which although a normal skin flora most often, could well be a pathogen if the condition is congenial. Cheaper quality [of earphones] or improper use may give rise to abrasion, leading to breakage of the skin which might be a portal of infection.”

The study appeared Online in the Journal of Health and Allied Sciences.