Health Update

TDS is associated with significant CHD risk factors

Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)Nearly one in ten men over the age of 50 years suffers from Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome (TDS). The data, presented by Dr. Geoff Hackett and Professor Hugh Jones at the Diabetes UK Annual Conference revealed that TDS is found in over 50% of men with Type 2 diabetes, more than double as compared to non-diabetic population.

Data showed that TDS is associated with insulin resistance, raised HbA1c, visceral adiposity; raised BMI and ED, all of which are significant CHD risk factors.

Enzyme offers hope of treatment of obesity

Obesity Obesity is the growing concern for various medical experts around the globe. Excessive weight increases vulnerability to various diseases. Recent study revealed that the enzyme, MGAT2 can help in preventing obesity. Researchers at the University of California in San Francisco believe that drugs targeting this enzyme can help in preventing obesity.

Researchers found that the intestinal enzyme MGAT2 plays a crucial role in this energy storage process and the consequent build-up of fat in animal models. Mice in which this enzyme has been made inactive were able to consume a high-fat diet without putting on weight.

Daily intake of mushroom and green tea can save you from breast cancer

Daily intake of mushroom and green tea can save you from breast cancerBreast cancer is the most common tumor in women and was diagnosed in more than 184,000 U. S. patients in 2008, according to estimates from the National Cancer Institute.

Recent study revealed that daily intake of mushroom can help in fighting cancer. Intake of green tea along with mushroom can increase the protection against breast cancer.

Research team at the University of Western Australia in Perth analyzed data collected from 2,000 Chinese women. Approximately half of the study subjects had suffered breast cancer.

Botox jabs ‘can give you depression’

Botox jabs ‘can give you depression’London, Mar 16: Botox injections can lead to depression, a new study has warned.

The jabs help you get rid of wrinkles by partially freezing muscles but scientists have found that they also stop people from being able to express their feelings visually.

That leads to them keeping emotions bottled up inside and perceiving the world in a negative way.

“Suppressing negative emotions is something we do every day to be polite,” the Sun quoted Dr Judith Grub, who led the research in Holland, as saying.

Chickungunya Fear Grips Narmada District Of Gujarat

Tobacco To Kill 6 Million People Annually By 2010

Tobacco To Kill 6 Million People Annually By 2010According to "Tobacco Atlas", which released on Monday (March 09), tobacco usage will kill six million people annually by 2010, and drain $500 billion from the worldwide economy that exceeds the total combined annual expenditure on health in all low and middle income nations.

The atlas reported that the tobacco industry has made the countries having less efficient public health plans and poor resources as their major areas of focus.
