Teenage girls drinking more than boys: study

Teenage girls drinking more than boysRecent study revealed that binge drinking culture is high on popularity charts in UK. UK has the third-highest number of 15 and 16-year-olds with an alcohol problem out of
35 countries.

Study of UK sample involving 1,004 boys and 1,175 girls revealed that the binge drinking is contributing towards alcohol-related problems and unprotected sex. 33% of the study subjects said they have been drunk within 30 days of the survey. Nearly 26% said they had suffered an accident or injury as a result of getting drunk while 11% revealed that they had unprotected sex.

The study revealed that alcohol consumption is higher among girls as compared to boys. The study report says that increase in culture of binge drinking among girls indicate profound social change has been taking place. It is clearly no longer socially unacceptable for females to drink heavily or to become intoxicated.

Lead researchers, Professor Martin Plant said: "The UK retains its unenviable position in relation to binge drinking, intoxication and alcohol-related problems amongst teenagers. This problem is both serious and chronic. I hope that the government will prioritise policies that are effective to reduce heavy drinking and alcohol-related disorder and health problems amongst young people."
