Health News

Indonesia finds 12 food products containing melamine

Jakarta - Indonesia's Food and Drug Monitoring Agency has confirmed melamine had been detected in 12 food products from China, including cookies, candies and drinks, the health ministry and media reports said Saturday.

Health Minister Siti Fadilah Supari said the country's Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM) had found that 12 out of 19 China-based dairy products on sale in the country tested positive for melamine.

Among the poisonous ingredient melamine were found in Oreo stick wafer and M&Ms, Snickers and Guozhen formula milk, she said.

Intake Of Omega-6 Fatty Acid In Excess Amount Can Lead To Breast Cancer

Earlier study showed that substances called heterocyclic amines (HAs) found in Intake Of Omega-6 Fatty Acid In Excess Amount Can Lead To Breast Cancer cooked meat and fish at high temperatures increased risk of breast cancer in mice. During recent research, Swedish researchers said that HAs don't appear to boost a woman's risk of developing breast cancer after menopause. 

In this study researchers examined whether HA consumption was related to breast cancer, and whether omega-6 PUFA intake played a role in this relationship, in women enrolled in the Malmo Diet and Cancer study. 

Regular Exposures To Air Pollution, Tobacco Smoke And Allergens Can Lead To Laryngitis

Various studies have shown contribution of pollution in increased risk of numerous Regular Exposures To Air Pollution, Tobacco Smoke And Allergens Can Lead To Laryngitis diseases. Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke, allergens, and air pollution leads to various problems in human beings. Pollution could be harmful for all age groups but it is deadly for health of small children and elderly. 

Re-orientation programme organized for doctors of ayurveda in Mumbai

Department of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy Re-orientation programme organized for doctors of ayurveda in Mumbai(AYUSH) has organized a re-orientation programme for doctors of ayurveda in Mumbai. This programme has been organized with an aim to equip is doctors of ayurveda with knowledge of newer technological practices in the field of gynaecology and obstetrics. This six-day programme was started on September 22. 

Study Showing Fish Oil Benefiting Intelligence Of Kids, Criticized

Studies have shown various health benefits offered by fish oil. A recent study Study Showing Fish Oil Benefiting Intelligence Of Kids, Criticized showed that intake of fish oil supplement regularly can boost the mental faculties of the child. But this study was criticized by various experts.

In this study, researchers analyzed the data collected from 3,000 students in Britain. These students were given fish capsules everyday for a period of six months leading up to their exams. The results of these children were compared with the other children who were not given the supplements. 

Indian Researchers Found A Variant Of Gene Linked To Diabetes

US’ Centre for Disease Control has classified diabetes as a chronic, incurable Indian Researchers Found A Variant Of Gene Linked To Diabetes
