Use Of Talc Can Increase Risk Of Ovarian Cancer

A recent study has shown that frequent use of talcum powder by women on their Use Of Talc Can Increase Risk Of Ovarian Cancerprivate parts can be extremely dangerous. Researches found that women who use talc on private parts have 40 per cent risk of develop ovarian cancer. This study was done by Dr Maggie Gates and her colleagues at Harvard Medical School.

Analysis of the data, collected from 3,000 women showed that use of talcum powder once a week raised the risk of ovarian cancer by 36 per cent. Use of talcum everyday increased the risk to 41 per cent. Reason behind this could be that talcum powder is made from a mineral called hydrous magnesium silicate which is crushed, dried and milled to produce powder used in cosmetic products. Powder applied to the private parts may travel to the ovaries and trigger a process of inflammation that allows cancer cells to flourish. 

The study also revealed that the risks were greater still for those with a certain genetic profile. The study showed that the women carrying a gene called glutathione S-transferase M1, but lacking a gene called glutathione S-transferase T1, were three times more likely to develop tumours. 

Researchers concluded that women should avoid using talc in the genital area.
