Health News

After Smoking, Ramadoss To Focus On Alcohol Ban

After a strict ban on smoking in public places, Union health minister After Smoking, Ramadoss To Focus On Alcohol BanAnbumani Ramadoss is now targeting the alcohol consumption in the country.

Mr. Ramadoss stated that a national plan for alcohol control will soon be launched in the nation. 

He said discussion with scientists and experts have already begun, and it will be ready within a month or two. 

Mr. Ramadoss has decided that as Health Minister, he has to chalk out plans, which will prohibit or permit acts in line with his sanitization agenda for India.

Sugar Makes People Sweeter – A Study

A new research done by researchers from Amsterdam University and Sugar Makes People Sweeter – A StudyFlorida State University discovered that sugar can make a person sweeter. 

This interesting discovery suggests that sweet drinks give people a sugar rush, which supplies the brain with the fuel required to suppress frank opinions.

The researchers said, “The findings suggest a link between glucose levels and the expression of prejudice and the use of stereotypes.”

Vasundhara Raje's Recent Generosity with Women Employees

Rajasthan Government has become the first State government to Vasundhara Raje's Recent Generosity with Women Employeesimplement the Sixth Pay Commission recommendations from 1st September 2006. In a recent decision the Rajasthan Government has increased maternity leave from 135 days to 180 days and this facility may be availed by employees who are already on maternity leave.

Rare, Deadly Strain Of Strep Bacteria Spreading Across Canada

The Thunder Bay District Health Unit on Wednesday announced that the Rare, Deadly Strain Of Strep Bacteria Spreading Across Canadainvasive Group A streptococcus strain known as emm-59 has infected 75 people in Thunder Bay and killed 10 of them. Health authorities came to know about it in late February. But the general public was made aware about it on Wednesday. Dr. Dave Williams, Ontario's chief medical officer of health said that the strain, which first appeared on the British Columbia coast in 2006, could move into Quebec and the Maritimes in the coming fall and winter months.

Air Pollution Linked To Appendicitis

Air pollution is dangerous for human beings. Various studies have shown Air Pollution Linked To Appendicitisthat air pollution can trigger diseases like asthma and other lung related aliments. Excess inhalation of polluted air could be deadly for the heart patients as well as infants. Government as well as social work associations have been working hard to control increasing air pollution. 

Facing A Stressful Condition Without Fear Can Be Taught

A recent research showed that people can be taught fearlessness. Facing A Stressful Condition Without Fear Can Be TaughtResearchers believe that it may be possible to learn not to be afraid, a condition he calls "learned safety". In the study a tone associated to safety by mice, had same effect on the animals as antidepressants during stressful conditions. This study was led Dr Eric Kandel of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Columbia University in New York.
