Health News

Babies Are Capable To Distinguish Between The Happy And Sad Songs

Babies Are Capable To Distinguish Between The Happy And Sad Songs Babies as young as 5 months develop quite satisfactory reasoning power, and are capable of distinguishing between various tunes, whether it is “Ode to Joy” from Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, or a sad and depressive one

This was concluded through an experiment conducted by the researchers, in which the babies were exposed to an emotionally-neutral face, while the music played. The music would stop when the baby would look away from the face and instead another sad song would start playing. 

Spicy Foods Harmful For Chronic Bladder

Researchers from Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Spicy Foods Harmful For Chronic BladderMedicine have found that irritated colon is the real reason behind pelvic pain, which is caused among women after they have a piece of pepperoni pizza. This study discarded the traditional notion, according to which, spike in the symptoms was triggered when digesting the foods produced chemicals in the urine that irritated the bladder. The recent study revealed that it's the colon, irritated by the spicy food, that's responsible for the "painful bladder syndrome," or interstitial cystitis.  

Occupational Injuries Frequent In Plastic Surgeons

The number of people going for plastic surgery for one or the other reason Occupational Injuries Frequent In Plastic Surgeonsis increasing rapidly. Hence the workload of plastic surgeons is also increasing. Recently a study was done on the occupational injuries in surgeons. The study was led by Dr. Pranay M. Parikh, from Georgetown University Hospital in Washington, DC. 

Gene Determines Rapidity Of Ejaculation In Men

A recent research by researchers at the Utrecht University revealed that Gene Determines Rapidity Of Ejaculation In Mengenes determine the rapidity of ejaculation in men. This research was done by Neuropsychiatrist Dr Marcel Waldinger and Pharmacological Researcher Paddy Janssen.

Close Exposures To Energy Saving Light Bulbs Can Be Dangerous, Especially For Skin

Recent study by the Health Protection Agency (HPA), a British government Close Exposures To Energy Saving Light Bulbs Can Be Dangerous, Especially For Skinagency showed that exposure to energy saving light bulbs may cause reddening of the skin and hence skin damage due to ultra violet light emissions. The study was conducted to check the level of harm caused by the duration of exposure to these eco bulbs. The present study was done after groups representing people who suffer from light sensitivity issues approached the agency. The HPA tested 20 encapsulated and 53 unencapsulated bulbs for UV exposure.

World Mental Health Day Observed In Manipur

The World Mental Health Day was celebrated in Manipur. The World Mental World Mental Health Day Observed In Manipur Health Day observance at RIMS Jubilee Hall and the Kangla hall was attended by various distinguished persons. A week long observation of the day was also organized, starting from October 4. The present event also marked the concluding ceremony of the week long observation of the day. A discussion was also held on topics related to mental health of the people.
