Health News

Male Baldness Related To DNA

A new genetic discovery suggests that men can no longer blame their mothers for their hair loss.

Motherhood Enhances Intelligence Level In Women

Motherhood Enhances Intelligence Level In WomenMotherhood is a bliss but it’s a demanding job also. Recent research at Richmond University has shown that birth of a baby boost the intelligence level of their mother. Researchers claim that motherhood actually prepares women for multitasking involved in bringing up a child and helps her to take on increased responsibilities with ease.

Researchers studied the data collected from experiments on laboratory rodents. These experiments showed that mother rats become braver and faster at finding food after their babies are born.

Green Signal To AstraZeneca Plc’s Schizophrenia Drug

Green Signal To AstraZeneca Plc’s Schizophrenia DrugThe Food and Drug Administration on Friday gave green signal to AstraZeneca Plc’s schizophrenia drug. FDA approved an extended-release version of the bipolar-disorder drug Seroquel. This is the first the once-daily acute treatment of both depressive and manic episodes associated with bipolar disorder in US to be approved by FDA.  

New Genetic Links To Male Pattern Baldness Discovered

New Genetic Links To Male Pattern Baldness DiscoveredHair loss due to aging is a common problem in both men and women. Researchers in England and Germany have discovered new genetic links to male pattern baldness.

Felix F. Brockschmidt, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Bonn and one of the researchers, said that it's the second genetic connection to the kind of hair loss that many men -- and women -- experience as they grow older.  

Liver Transplantation Increase The Risk Of Cancer

Liver Transplantation Increase The Risk Of CancerA recent study showed that liver transplantation increases the risk of cancer, especially in children. Researchers led by Helena Isoniemi of Finland found that people who undergo a liver transplant are nearly three times more likely to develop cancerdefine than the general population. 

Researchers studied the data collected from 540 patients who received liver transplants at Aberg's center between 1982 and 2005. Researchers analyzed the cancer risk in the study subjects. 

Taking Meals Together By Family Members Can Save Children From Obesity

Taking Meals Together By Family Members Can Save Children From ObesityObesity was declared an epidemic by World Health Organization. The number of obese children is increasing at an alarming rate. Obesity can multiply the risk of various aliments. Lack of physical exercise along unhealthy eating habits is leading children to obesity. Recent research has shown an easy way to protect children from obesity. Study author claims that a traditional family dinner is more than enough to fight obesity in case of kids.  
