Motherhood Enhances Intelligence Level In Women

Motherhood Enhances Intelligence Level In WomenMotherhood is a bliss but it’s a demanding job also. Recent research at Richmond University has shown that birth of a baby boost the intelligence level of their mother. Researchers claim that motherhood actually prepares women for multitasking involved in bringing up a child and helps her to take on increased responsibilities with ease.

Researchers studied the data collected from experiments on laboratory rodents. These experiments showed that mother rats become braver and faster at finding food after their babies are born.

Earlier studies had shown that pregnant women suffer a decrease in mental capacity, dubbed "baby brain". But the recent study claims that moms-to-be rewire their brains to cope with motherhood -- and their intelligence soars when the babies are actually born. 

Lead researcher, Dr Craig Kinsley, professor of neuroscience at the University of Richmond said: “Pregnant women do undergo a phase of so-called baby brain, when they experience an apparent loss of function.” 

Craig added: “However, this is because their brains are being remodeled for motherhood to cope with the many new demands they will experience.” 

Researchers concluded that there is a significant increase in mental capacity as a result of the hormonal changes during child birth and breastfeeding. These hormonal fluctuations could be life-long, providing protection from degenerative diseases apart from the improved mental agility. 
