United Kingdom

Fluorescent lights putting pupils at the risk of headaches

London, Sep 6 : The increasing use of fluorescent lights in schools is putting more and more children at the risk of getting headaches.

According to a Cambridge University study, eight in 10 classrooms in England are fitted with immoderate bright and flickering lights, which, according to experts, result in eye strain and loss of concentration.

Russell Crowe's secret passion - Bananas In Pyjamas!

Russell Crowe
London, Sep 4 : Russell Crowe might be a serious and hard-hitting actor, but it seems that he too can become a child at times.

The 'A Beautiful Mind' actor recently admitted that he has a very strange secret passion - Bananas In Pyjamas!

Crowe owned up to being hooked on the quirky children's TV show after regularly watching it with his two young sons.

Women's waistlines have grown by 7 inches in the last 50 years

Women's Waist

London, Sept 3 : Gone are the days when wasp waistlines like those of Sophia Loren and Marilyn Monroe were in fashion, for a new survey has revealed that over the past 50 years Brit women's waists have increased by.an astonishing 7 inches.

Since 1951, the average waist size has grown by 6.8 inches to 34.4 inches.

Coffee rage reaching epidemic proportions in United Kingdom

Cup of Coffee
London, Sept 3 : If you're feeling angry, irritable and aggressive, and suffering from a bad headache to boot, the chance is that you are experiencing a new malady - coffee rage.

Coffee's main active ingredient caffeine may help you get awake in the morning, but a new study has found that one in 20 people have an intolerance to it.

British Forces Quit Basra Base

Basra Palace
The British forces have quitted Basra Palace, Saddam Hussein’s quondam southern residence that became popular British base after the success of the US-led invasion.

The move has indicated the British disengagement from the conflict, and has highlighted the growing and public discord between Washington and London over Iraq. However, the America feels that the move will severely undermine security.

Diabetes drug shows promise to save millions of lives

Diabetes DrugsLondon, Sept. 3 : A drug that lowers blood pressure among diabetics may provide a significant means to save tens of thousands of lives, say UK scientists.

A five-year study conducted by them has shown that using Coversyl Plus-a combination of medication like ACE inhibitor and diuretic drugs, which are currently offered only to patients with high blood pressure-reduces the risk of death from heart-related problems and kidney failure by 18 per cent.
