
Right-wingers Israelis outnumber Leftists by 2:1

Peace talks to stand or fall over Israeli party primaryJerusalem, Feb 12 : Right-wing Israelis outnumber those on the left by at least two-to-one, according to a poll conducted by the Rafi Smith Institute.

Rafi Smith said 20 percent of the voters chose their parties on the Election Day and another nine percent made up their mind in the days just before they headed to the polls, the Jerusalem Post reported.

Lieberman: Toppling Hamas condition for joining coalition

Lieberman: Toppling Hamas condition for joining coalition Jerusalem  - Avigdor Lieberman of the ultra-nationalist Israel Beiteinu party said Tuesday he will only join an Israeli coalition government that pledged to topple the Hamas regime in Gaza.

Islamic Jihad commander killed in West Bank

Jerusalem, Feb. 5 : A top Islamic Jihad commander has been killed by Israel Defence Forces (IDF) special forces in the northern West Bank town of Kabatiya.

Israeli leader agreed to secretly cede territory to Palestinians

Jerusalem, Feb. 3 : Israel Beiteinu leader Avigdor Lieberman conducted a secret dialogue with Palestinian negotiators at the end of the Clinton administration, according to a new book by former US ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk.

Indyk, who also served as the US State Department''s Assistant Secretary for Near East Affairs during that administration, said Palestinian negotiator Muhammad Rachid had secured Lieberman's support for then-prime minister Ehud Barak''s plan for territorial compromise with the Palestinians, as well as current Prime Minister Ehud Olmert''s agreement to give up Israeli sovereignty over the Temple Mount.

Israel-Hamas truce likely this week, says Hamas official

Israel-Hamas truce likely this week, says Hamas official Jerusalem, Feb. 3 : A top Hamas official has told The Jerusalem Post that an Egyptian-mediated cease-fire agreement between Israel and Hamas is likely to be reached by Thursday.

Ahmed Youssef, the Gaza-based deputy foreign minister and former political adviser to Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, said he had not yet heard from a Hamas delegation in Cairo, which was scheduled to meet Egyptian officials about a cease-fire proposal, but said he was optimistic that a cease-fire agreement was imminent.

Israeli Air Force strikes at Hamas targets in Gaza again

Jerusalem, Feb. 2 : The Israeli Air Force struck rocket-launching areas in northern Gaza and a Hamas security building in central Gaza on Sunday night.

The targets attacked included six smuggling tunnels and a Hamas outpost, the Jerusalem Post quoted the Israeli government as saying in a statement.

The jets also bombed the Gaza-Egypt border area, where Hamas is known to have smuggled weapons through tunnels.

The attacks came even as Palestinian Authority and Hamas leaders were said to be close to reaching a Gaza cease-fire deal in talks with Egyptian officials in Cairo.

There were no immediate reports of casualties, but Palestinian sources reported huge explosions in the area.
