
Israel fears Hizbullah strike in revenge for Mughniyeh''s assassination

Israel fears Hizbullah strike in revenge for Mughniyeh''s assassinationJerusalem, Jan. 21 : Israel has expressed its concern that the Hizbullah will launch a terror attack against an Israeli or Jewish target ahead of the first anniversary of arch-terrorist Imad Mughniyeh''s assassination.

Mughniyeh, the commander of Hizbullah''s military forces, was assassinated on February 12, 2008 in a car bombing in Damascus.

While Israel did not claim responsibility for the assassination, Hizbullah has declared its intention to avenge Mughniyeh''s death by striking at Israel.

Israel Army probing phosphorus shell use against civilians in Gaza Strip

Israeli FlagJerusalem, Jan. 20 : The Judge Advocate General of the Israel Defence Force (IDF) is investigating the alleged use of phosphorous shells during Operation Cast Lead in the Gaza Strip.

According to the Jerusalem Post, the probe was launched on the instructions of Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi and its findings will be released to the public.

Several human rights groups have incorrectly claimed that shells the IDF fired into Gaza and which exploded in the air were phosphorus shells.

Israeli President Peres says Obama inauguration "great day" for US

Barack ObamaJerusalem - The inauguration of Barack Obama as president of the United States is a great day for the US because his "most unusual hope and election, only ten years ago, would have been unimaginable," Israeli President Shimon Peres said Tuesday.

"What made history ugly, unmistakably, was basically slavery and there were two sorts of slavery: men upon women and white upon black," Peres said.

Hamas vows to rearm against Israel

Jerusalem, Jan. 20: A Hamas leader has declared victory over Israel, and warned that the Islamic militant group will rearm against Israel should a situation emerge to merit such a step.

Ismail Haniya, the deposed Palestinian prime minister and a political leader in Gaza, said the "armed resistance" had triumphed by surviving the Israeli operation.

"Do whatever you want. Manufacturing the holy weapons is our mission and we know how to acquire weapons," The Telegraph quoted Abu Obeida, a spokesman for the Izzadin al-Qassam Brigades, as saying.

Hamas declares victory over Israel in Gaza, claims it lost only 48 fighters

Hamas declares victory over Israel in Gaza, claims it lost only 48 fightersJerusalem, Jan. 19 : The militant outfit Hamas on Monday declared victory over Israel, claiming that it had lost just 48 fighters during the 22-day conflict in the Gaza Strip.

"We announce to our people the martyrdom of 48 Qassam fighters," The Telegraph quoted Abu Obeida, spokesman for the Izzadin al-Qassam Brigades, as saying.

Six EU leaders pledge to end arms smuggling into Gaza

Jerusalem, Jan. 19 : Six European leaders arrived in Jerusalem on Sunday and made a commitment to ending the arms smuggling into Gaza.

Earlier in the day, the militant group Hamas announced its own one-week cease-fire and issued an ultimatum to Israel to withdraw its troops from Gaza within that time.

The announcement was made by Hamas officials in Syria. Later, Hamas representatives in the Strip also issued a statement saying they would honor the cease-fire.

Despite the uncertainty over the tenuous cease-fire, the Jerusalem Post quoted Prime Minister Ehud Olmert as telling a gathering of European leaders that Israel is determined to withdraw its troops.
