
Cops meet robbers after breaking into the same house!

Melbourne, May 28 : Misfortune was peeping through the window for these thieves, quite literally, when they entered a house through the window and were welcomed by policemen.

Apple aiming for solar-powered iPhones and iPods

Melbourne, May 28 : Soon you may be able to relax on the beach and listen to your favourite song without being worried about running out of your iPod’s battery, for Apple is considering solar-power

Rising fuel costs prompt Qantas to cut flights, trim payroll

Sydney - Leading Australian airline Qantas Airways on Wednesday announced it would shed jobs, close routes and sell aircraft in the face of rising jet fuel costs.

Big boys' toys on the cheap

Sydney  - Buy a Toyota Corolla and you won't have to worry much about insurance, maintenance or resale.

Australian Muslims brand Islamic school rejection racist

Australian Muslims brand Islamic school rejection racist

Suven gets two product patents in Russia and Australia

Suven gets two product patents in Russia and Australia
