
McDonald’s to go green with eco-friendly coffee

Sydney, May 27 : Its burgers might be considered junk food, but McDonald’s latest initiative to buy coffee beans grown in environmentally-friendly conditions, might prove to be the fast food giant’

Coca-Cola not to phase out controversial additive Down Under

Diet CokeMelbourne, May 27 : Coca-Cola Australia has ruled out its plans to remove the controversial

Muslims denied Sydney site for Islamic school

Sydney  - Cheers greeted a decision Tuesday by a local Sydney council to reject a proposal to build an Islamic school for 1,200 pupils.

Cate Blanchett blasts Rudd, backs candid cameraman

Australian Prime Minister Kevin RuddSydney  - The controversy over a photographer who specializes in nude shots of children created a rift in the cozy relationship between Hollywood actor Cate Blanchett and new Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd Tuesday.

Blanchett, who campaigned for Rudd's Labor Party in last year's election and burnished his image by co-chairing a people's summit in Canberra's Parliament House last month, joined fellow local artists in defending beleaguered photographer Bill Hensen and attacking Rudd for calling the portraits of naked children aged 12 and 13 "absolutely revolting."

Oz mum, daughter conquer Mount Everest

Melbourne, May 27 : Two women from Sydney have reached the top of Mount Everest, creating history as the first mother-daughter team to climb the world's highest summit.

Outsourcing may cost Australia one million jobs by 2028

Melbourne, May 27 : The Australian service sector is at risk of losing over a million jobs during the next two decades due to current fixation for outsourcing work overseas.
