Tornado injures 25 in southern Spain

Tornado injures 25 in southern SpainMalaga, Spain - A storm with winds blowing at up to 180 kilometres an hour injured 25 people overnight in the southern Spanish city of Malaga, the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) said Monday.

The storm, which was accompanied by rain and which Aemet described as a tornado, uprooted trees, knocked over advertising billboards, tore off the roofs of a bus station and of a parking lot, and caused widespread damage to vehicles and urban property.

Twenty-five people were reported injured, mostly from flying sherds of glass. Rail links to Madrid suffered interruptions after the collapse of a wall sparked a short-circuit.

In Estepona west of Malaga, a wind gust made a circus tent collapse, injuring five people.

Heavy snowfall was expected to continue in several parts of the country after disrupting traffic over the week-end. (dpa)
