Job chances falls in areas of the UK, TUC

Job chances falls in areas of the UK, TUCAccording to a new report, the likelihood of being in work or job chances have fallen in parts of the UK even as the unemployment has fallen in the country and more people are employed.

The new report by TUC said that the likelihood of being in work has fallen in four areas including the North East, North West, West Midlands and South West from 2010.  The report found that the UK's working age population has increased by almost four million in the previous two decades.

Experts have said that the rise in employment levels was expected to rise due to the increase in the working class population.  Data showed that West Midlands recorded the poorest long-term jobs record as employment rates remained almost at the same level as twenty years earlier, according to the TUC.  The union urged the government to take more steps to ensure that job chances increase equally throughout the country.

TUC general secretary Frances O'Grady said: "Britain's growing population has meant record levels of employment for much of the last two decades.  But despite the return of growth the chance of having a job has actually fallen in much of England since 2010.

A Department for Work and Pensions spokesman said that the number of people in work has touched 30 million for the first time, and latest figures showed that employment rose in Scotland, Wales and every English region.