Detained Afghan militants identified as Haqanni network members

AfghanistanKabul  - US-lead coalition forces on Friday said two militants detained in the south-eastern province of Khost who were behind suicide bombing targeting Afghan and coalition forces, were identified as members of the Haqanni network, a former mujahideen party that fought invading Russian troops.

The two militants, identified as Baitullah and Mahajir Ziarahman, were apprehended during an operation in Sabari district targeting the Haqanni network and improvised explosive device (IED) cells, said a military statement issued from the US base in Bagram.

Biatullah, 34, was the target of the operation. He was a member of a Haqanni network based in Sabari that conducted the suicide bombing of the Sabari District Centre last month.

According to the statement, Siraj Haqqani, the leader of the Haqqani Network, claimed responsibility for the bombing, added the statement.

Mahajir Ziarahman, 23, was also a member of the same Sabari-based IED cell and is Biatullah's brother. Ziarahman has emplaced IEDs targeting Afghan Security Forces and coalition forces in Khowst province, the statement added.

Meanwhile, police in the eastern province of Nangarhar said they arrested a would-be suicide bomber near the Samar Khail chick post.

Abdul Ghafor, Nangarhar province police department spokesman, said the suicide bomber was arrested in the area of Pul-e-Sarach near to the Samarkhail check post, adding, the "suicide bomber was detained with the help of local people." (dpa)