Aviation Sector

Boeing announces Dreamliner test flights

Boeing announces Dreamliner test flightsSan Francisco - Test flights for the much-delayed Boeing Dreamliner are due to start in June and the first customers are on schedule to receive the plane in the first quarter of 2010, the US aviation company said Wednesday.

Test flights for the aircraft have been delayed for more than two years, but Boeing has now filed 60 per cent of the paperwork needed for certification of the 787, Mike Delaney, chief project engineer of the 787 programme, said at a press conference.

Boeing announces Dreamliner test flights

Boeing announces Dreamliner test flightsSan Francisco  - Test flights for the much-delayed Boeing Dreamliner are due to start in June and the first customers are on schedule to receive the plane in the first quarter of 2010, the US aviation company said Wednesday.

Test flights for the aircraft have been delayed for more than two years, but Boeing has now filed 60 per cent of the paperwork needed for certification of the 787, Mike Delaney, chief project engineer of the 787 programme, said at a press conference.

Paramount Airways expands service; to start operations to Cooch Behar

Paramount Airways expands service; to start operations to Cooch Behar

Cuba suspends flights to and from Mexico over flu

Cuba suspends flights to and from Mexico over fluHavana - Cuba suspended Tuesday all flights to and from Mexico for 48 hours to prevent spread of the flu virus which has caused 152 deaths in Mexico, including at least 20 from a newly emerging swine flu virus, Cuba's Public Health Minister Jose Ramon Balaguer said in a statement. The Cuban government said earlier Tuesday that no cases of swine flu had been reported in the country and that there were also no suspected cases, although they increased health surveillance at airports and ports.

British air stewardess sacked for refusing to wear an Islamic robe

British air stewardess sacked for refusing to wear an Islamic robeLondon, Apr 27: A British air stewardess was sacked for refusing to fly to Saudi Arabia after she was ordered to wear a traditional Islamic robe and walk behind male colleagues.

Lisa Ashton, who worked for BMI, was told that she was expected to wear in public in Saudi Arabia the abaya, a long black robe that leaves only the face uncovered.

She was also told that she should walk behind male colleagues irrespective of their rank, in order to conform with the social codes of the conservative country, The Telegraph reports.

Ambani chopper sabotage case: 52 of Air Works’ non-technical workers off duty

Ambani chopper sabotage case: 52 of Air Works’ non-technical workers off dutyAir Works has taken the attempted sabotage case of Anil Ambani’s Bell 412 helicopter - parked in the Air Works’ hangar for repair and maintenance - quite seriously. Till the time investigations do not reach their conclusive end, 52 of the non-technical workers of the company have been directed to stay off duty.  
