UK’s MI5 to create DNA database of terror suspects

London, Nov.8 : British intelligence outfit MI5 is to create a database of DNA samples taken from terror suspects.

According to The Sun, the new law will allow the intelligence service to collect and use the vital data gathered from those they fear are plotting outrages.

The DNA will be collected from fingerprints, saliva samples taken from used glasses, cigarette butts and other everyday objects.

MI5 will then be able to run the samples against the national DNA database.

Premier Gordon Brown believes it will be a vital tool in the war on homegrown terrorists.

And it will end the farce of police refusing to share DNA samples taken from known suspects.

Meanwhile the number of terrorists banged up in Britain’s jails will multiply fourteen fold over the next 10 years, ministers were warned last night.

Official forecasts show the number of convicted terrorists will rise from 113 today to 1,600.

The majority – 1,300 – will be dangerous Category A inmates.

The warning came just days after MI5 chiefs said there are 4,000 extremists plotting bombing outrages. (ANI)