New York

Boeing deliveries to be delayed by 10 weeks

Boeing LogoNew York - US aircraft manufacturer Boeing is to delay its deliveries

Obama’s supporters not in favour of giving Clinton a Cabinet post

Obama’s supporters not in favour of giving Clinton a Cabinet postNew York, Nov. 19 : Supporters of US President-elect Barack Obama don’t seem to be too happy over the prospect of a Cabinet post being offered to former US First Lady and now New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton.

According to Politico, there''s a sense of ambivalence about giving a top political plum to a woman they spent 18 months hammering as the compromised standard-bearer of an era that deserves to be forgotten.

Hillary might reject Secretary of State offer

Hillary might reject Secretary of State offerNew York, Nov. 19 : New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton reportedly isn’t certain she would accept the post of US Secretary of State even if Barack Obama offers it to her.

Politico quoted several people close to the former First Lady, as saying that “She is still weighing this, independent of President Clinton''s work.”

Clinton, one person said, remains deeply “torn” between the possibility of serving in Obama’s cabinet and remaining in the Senate to “help pass health care and work on a broad range of domestic issues.”

US stocks rally on energy, technology shares

US stocks rally on energy, technology sharesNew York - US stocks rallied at day's end Tuesday as energy and technology shares led the way and investors snapped up bargain basement prices.

The three major indices closed up despite a drop in confidence among homebuilders that was the lowest since record-keeping began in 1985, Bloomberg financial news service reported.

Hewlett-Packard Co jumped 14 per cent as earnings topped analysts' estimates, while Exxon Mobil Corp climbed more than 4 per cent.

Heather Locklear charged with misdemeanour DUI

Heather Locklear charged with misdemeanour DUINew York, November 18: Actress Heather Locklear has been charged with a misdemeanour driving under the influence of prescribed drugs following her arrest in September.

The ‘Firestarter’ star was arrested, and later released, in Santa Barbara County, after a paparazzo reported her ‘erratic’ driving to the cops on September 27.

Locklear was handcuffed by a California Highway Patrol officer who saw her parked car blocking a freeway traffic lane in Montecito and determined her ‘obvious impairment’.

Apple's Papermaster files countersuit against IBM

Apple's iPhoneA countersuit has been filed by Apple's iPhone man-in-waiting, Mark Papermaster, against his former employer, in a dispute over a non-compete agreement.

On late Thursday, the court documents were filed in federal court in New York, which claimed that since the two companies are not competitors in the arena where Papermaster will be employed, IBM's non-compete agreement with Papermaster shouldn't apply to his potential employment at Apple.
