New York

UN: Economic meltdown sends large number of migrants home

UN: Economic meltdown sends large number of migrants home New York - Significant numbers of migrants have returned home from host countries hit by financial crisis and economic difficulties, the UN said Thursday in a study of the economic impacts on workers.

"News about migrants returning in significant numbers to their home countries have become more common, especially in cases where the economy of the host country sours," the UN population division said.

Ex-Hooker Apologises to Ex-NY Governor’s Wife

Eliot SpitzerAshley Alexandra Dupre, a former hooker, whose February tryst with ex-New York governor Eliot Spitzer cost him his job, apologises to Spitzer's wife in her first after scandal magazine interview with People magazine, scheduled to hit news stands on Friday.

Iran has enough nuclear fuel to make a single atom bomb

New York, Nov 20 : Iran has now produced roughly enough nuclear material, with added purification, to make a single atom bomb, The New York Times quotes nuclear experts, as saying.

The figures detailing Iran’s progress were contained in a routine update on Wednesday from the International Atomic Energy Agency, which has been conducting inspections of the country’s main nuclear plant at Natanz.

The report concluded that as of early this month, Iran had made 630 kilograms, or about 1,390 pounds, of low-enriched uranium.

Several experts said that was enough for a bomb, but they cautioned that the milestone was mostly symbolic, because Iran would have to take additional steps.

Clinton will be Secretary Of State provided vetting process is smooth

Clinton will be Secretary Of State provided vetting process is smoothNew York, Nov. 20 : New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton has reportedly confided to long time friends and advisors that she will consider taking up the post of Secretary of State in the Obama administration, provided the vetting process goes smoothly.

The CBS quoted sources as saying that a formal announcement of her selection could happen in the next week.

Obama transition officials say other candidates have been vetted for the job, but the New York senator has emerged as the leading contender.

Bill Clinton agrees to disclose names of foundation donors

Bill Clinton agrees to disclose names of foundation donorsNew York, Nov. 20 : Former U. S. President Bill Clinton has agreed to disclose the names of donors contributing to his foundation in what can be seen as a breaking of ice with the Obama transition team, to enable his wife, Hillary, to become the next Secretary of State.

Meditation and yoga prescribed for Wall Street brokers

Meditation and yoga prescribed for Wall Street brokers New York  - The constant fluctuations on Wall Street can grate on even the toughest businessman's or businesswoman's nerves.

In search of a remedy, more and more brokers are taking calming classes in yoga and meditation, the New York Times reported. Working out at the gym or taking up other sports also helps brokers and other employees in the finance branch to let off steam.
