
Belgian king officially rejects Yves Leterme's resignation

Brussels - Belgian King Albert II sent his Prime Minister Yves Leterme back to the drawing board late Thursday, insisting he stay in power and seek a resolution of his coalition's stalemate, Belgi

Belgian government offers resignation

Brussles - The five-party coalition of Belgian Prime Minister Yves Leterme was on the brink of collapse after Leterme submitted his resignation to King Albert II, the Belgian news agency Belga repo

Four-month-old Belgian government on the verge of collapse

Brussels - Belgium's four-month-old government was on the verge of collapse Monday after it failed to meet a self-imposed deadline for resolving a year-long power struggle between the country's Dut

Anheuser-Busch urges stockholders to reject InBev takeover

WashingtonAnheuser-Busch - US brewing gi

Belgium extradites former Congo vice president to war crimes court

Belgium MapNairobi, The Hague - Belgian authorities have extradited Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo, former vice president of the Democratic Republic of Congo, to face war crimes charges, the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague said Thursday.

Bemba was detained in Belgium in May following his flight from the DRC last year after losing presidential elections and refusing to disarm his militia.

The suspect, who was president and commander in chief of the Congo Liberation Movement (MLC), is accused of crimes against humanity - including murder, torture and rape - in the Central African Republic between October 2002 and March 2003.

Belgian beer giant InBev confirms interest in Anheuser-Busch

Belgium MapLeuven, Belgium  - Belgian brewing giant InBev on Wednesday confirmed that it wanted to b
