Healthy diet linked to Lower Risk of Birth Defects

According to a latest research, women eating healthy diet before and at the time of pregnancy have increased chances of delivering a healthy baby. A team of medical experts at the University Of Utah School Of Medicine carried out the research and found that women who follow healthy diet have about 37% lower risk of child born with heart defect.

Many babies take birth with a rare birth defect of heart known as tetralogy of Fallot. It is a complex heart defect due to which babies turn blue as their blood becomes unable to carry sufficient oxygen. The researchers analyzed data for 10,000 women, who gave birth to a baby with heart defects between October 1997 and December 2009.

According to the study, mothers who ate a lot of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and fish and avoided sweets and meat products delivered healthiest babies. While explaining the reasons, the researchers said that such kind of diets are rich in iron, folic acid, calcium and other minerals, which are very important for the mother's health.

According to Dr. Lorenzo Botto, his team has found a direct link between a healthy diet and low risk of congenital heart disease. However, the team mentioned that they didn't find a cause-and-effect link between the two.