AAPI will train health care professionals in rural areas in India

AAPI will train health care professionals in rural areas in India American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Indian government four years ago to help improve the health care scenario in India in association with doctors in Delhi.

Sanku S Rao, president of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), said the association will first train health care professionals in the rural setting of Bihar and Andhra Pradesh, before fanning out to other states at the Indo-US Healthcare summit on Friday.

He said that AAPI are going to have our experts - people who have their roots here - train health care professionals in the primary health care centres in the rural areas such that they can screen the population for diseases like diabetes, cardio vascular diseases, carcinoma of cervix and prostate, deafness in children, maternal and child health care and mental illness.

He added to raise fund for the project the organization decided to partner with some of the non-governmental organisations for that purpose. We are also in touch with the private sector to fund some of the projects.