Health Update

Cyberknife, new robot radiotherapy machine to treat cancer

Cyberknife, new robot radiotherapy machine to treat cancerScientists have developed a robot radiotherapy machine known as Cyberknife to treat cancer. Cyberknife has various advantages over traditional radiotherapy devices.

In case of Cyberknife only three sittings of powerful radiations are required as compared to 20 sessions of low-dose radiations required in traditional treatment. The recovery time is also very less in this case.

Tooth decay increasing in young kids

Tooth decay increasing in young kidsTooth decay increases in children during the holiday season. The reason behind the condition is an excess of long-lasting candies, gooey frosted cookies, hot chocolate and chewy fudge.

But the age old saying of keeping teeth clean would keep all tooth decay at bay, would work not only at a particular time but throughout the year in preventing tooth decay and cavities.

Moods, happy or sad are contagious

Moods, happy or sad are contagiousRecent research has revealed that mood of a person is strongly affected by the people around him. Research team led by Dr Nicholas Christakis, a sociologist at Harvard Medical School, and including Professor Fowler analyzed 53,228 social connections between 5,124 individuals over time.

Researchers said that how grumpy people feel can be influenced not only by the state of mind of those closest to us, but also by friends of friends that we have never met like ripples from "pebbles thrown into a pond".

Marinating meat reduces the levels of chemical compounds that cause cancerous tumors

Marinating meat reduces the levels of chemical compounds that cause cancerous tumorsEarlier studies have shown that cooking meat increases its levels of chemical compounds called heterocyclic amines (HAs), which can cause cancerous tumors.

Recent research by Isabel Ferreira and colleagues at the University of Porto in Portugal revealed that marinating steak in red wine or beer for six hours before frying cut levels of two types of HA by up to 90 per cent compared with untreated meat.

Long-term use of a hypertension drug may reduce symptoms of heart disease

Research team led by Dr. Jiri Krupicka of Na Homolce Hospital in Prague, the Czech Republic conducted a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized study to the effect of the long-term administration of candesartan - marketed by AstraZeneca and Takeda as Atacand and BioPress respectively - on patients with Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM).

Generally people with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy display mild symptoms or are completely asymptomatic, up to 1 percent of affected people succumb to sudden cardiac death, often with no previous signs of illness.

Size 14 women are most happy whereas size 24 women are least happy

Size 14 women are most happy whereas size 24 women are least happyResearchers from the company Special K conducted a poll to find a relationship between dress size and general happiness and satisfaction level of the women who wear them.
