Health Update

Suffolk County legislature bans Bisphenol-A (BPA) in baby bottles and sippy cups

Suffolk County legislature bans Bisphenol-A (BPA) in baby bottles and sippy cupsBisphenol-A (BPA) is used in polycarbonate plastic baby products. Environment California's report, "Toxic Baby Bottles," in 2007 questioned the safety of this chemical. Study found this hormone-disrupting chemical was found to be leaking from baby bottles. Earlier studies have already shown harmful effects of this chemical.

Suffolk County legislature passed a rule on Tuesday to ban the use of the chemical BPA in baby bottles and sippy cups sold for use by children under 4.

Two glass of milk can save elderly from grip of Alzheimer

Two glass of milk can save elderly from grip of AlzheimerRecent research led by Oxford University revealed that two glasses of milk everyday can offer protection against memory loss and Alzheimer's disease in old age. Researchers discovered that milk is one of the best sources of vitamin B12. It is believed that this vitamin reduces neurological damage to the brain.

Study also revealed that elderly patients with low levels of B12 suffer twice shrinkage of the brain as compared with those having higher levels of it in their bodies.

Americans are exposed to seven times more radiation

Recent research revealed that Americans are seven times more exposed to radiation than in 1980. The possible reason behind this increase is overuse of a diagnostic scans by doctors for profit.

Research conducted by National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurement said that doctors are ordering too many diagnostic tests, driving up the cost of healthcare in the United States and potentially harming patients. Researchers believe that too much radiation exposure can cause cancer, especially in younger people.

Compounds in green veggies combined with selenium can protect against melanoma

Compounds in green veggies combined with selenium can protect against melanoma

US court ruling exposes drugmakers to lawsuits over warning labels

US court ruling exposes drugmakers to lawsuits over warning labels Washington  - The US Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that patients can sue drugmakers for failing to warn adequately of serious side effects, even if their warning labels were approved by the federal government, according to a landmark case that could expose the industry to billions of dollars in damages.

In a 6-3 decision, the court upheld a 7-million-dollar reward to a professional musician whose arm had to be amputated after she was improperly injected with Phenergan, an anti-nausea drug produced by pharmaceutical firm Wyeth.

Alfalfa Sprouts Linked to Salmonella outbreak

salmonellaNebraska health officials said alfalfa sprouts are the source of a salmonella outbreak that has sickened nearly 24 people in Douglas County in eastern Nebraska and Iowa.

Sun Sprouts are locally grown sprouts distributed by CW Sprouts of Douglas County, Omaha which are sold at grocery stores and restaurants which have been linked to the outbreak. Infected people who were interviewed all had the common link of sprouts which made officials pinpoint them to be the likely cause.
