Health News

British People Are Unable To Hit The Target

According to a new research of the consumer habits of the nation, only 12% of the British British People Are Unable To Hit The Target people are able to hit the target recommended by the experts. Global market insight group TNS found in the study that 12% people eat five portions of fruit and vegetable in a day, and other 12%people do not eat any portion of fruit and vegetable.

The study, titled ‘Health of Britain – Perspective on Nutrition 2008’found the differences between age, gender and social class .On an average, people in Britain eat two and a half portion of fruit and vegetable in a day.

Ageing Of Cells Could Be Controlled By Clean Living

It has been suggested that taking more exercise and eating the right kind of food, helps in increasing the levels of an enzyme, which guards against the damage to cell due to aging.

Professor Dean Ornish, from the Preventive Medicine Research Institute in California along with his team, desired to know if the improvements in the diet and living habits had any reverse effects.

 30 men, who were in the ‘low risk of prostate cancers’ category, were asked to participate in a three month trial with change in their life style.

Having Sex Could Cost A Paralytic Stroke?

A 35 year old woman suffered a paralytic stroke after having sex with her boy friend. A case repost published in Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Disease revealed that the stroke paralyzed many functions of the woman’s left side and her speech became slurred as she had lost sensation on the left side of her face.

According to doctors birth control pills increase the risk of blood clots. Sexual intercourse can cause pressure changes in the heart and enable the clot to travel through the hole from the right atrium to the left one.

In the case of the present patient, the doctors found a small clot formed in one of the veins in her thigh. It broke loose and moved to heart's upper right pumping chamber.

Condom Vending Machines At The Campuses!

State AIDS Control Society has expressed anguish over the incidence of unprotected sex in IT companies and call centres. As a corrective measure, it plans to install condom vending machines at the campuses. Call centers and BPO’s have already been contacted to persuade them to co- operatein the venture. "This is under process. The machines will be installed soon," APSACS project director Chandravadan said here recently.

Women To Be Permitted To Undergo Abortion Till 24 Weeks

Presently, the law does not allow a pregnant woman to undergo an abortion if she has Women To Be Permitted To Undergo Abortion Till 24 Weeks  passed the period of over 20 weeks. The only exception is when there is a serious risk to the life of the mother.

Ban on smoking in public places impractical: Sriramulu

Determined to continue with the efforts to curb the practice of smoking in public places, the Health Ministry plans to extend ‘The Prohibition of Smoking in Public Places Rules 2008’ to almost all public venues, by ‘Gandhi Jayanti’ – October 2. Though parks and roads have been excluded from the banned places list, strict fines will be imposed at the places where smoking has been banned – and, the Bollywood movies too fall in this category!
