WebOS Upgrades for Pre and Pixi Revealed by Palm

Palm PreEarlier during the week, Palm unveiled version 1.3.5 of WebOS, the operating system which runs on its popular Palm Pre and Pam Pixi smartphones.

There are no new applications or utilities included in the update, but it does manage to make some substantial and significant changes to the operating system that the users have been demanding, which includes the ability to make use of all the storage capacity that the phone has in order to download applications, and battery life has been improved.

The Palm App Catalogue is probably the most significant change in the updated OS, which improves on the general user experience. Users can now easily download applications from the App Catalogue in the background, even after moving away from the download screen.

Downloads can be manually paused or canceled as well, with increased ease. Also, users can quickly access all updates available for all the previously installed applications on a single screen.

Also included are some minor updates and bug fixes.

Free download of the WebOS 1.3.5 is now available.