Web-based LPG connection portability launched in Chandigarh

Web-based LPG connection portability launched in ChandigarhIndian Oil Corporation (IOC) deputy general manager Shailendra Kumar Sharma on Friday launched a web-based LPG connection portability in Chandigarh.

The new online service aims to make distribution of cooking gas cylinders more flexible as well as to allow distributors to provide genuine service. The service is available to all LPG consumers on an intra-company basis.

Now any customer who is not pleased with the service being provided by his/her distributor can now change the service provider using the new online service. The new Web-based LPG connection portability service provides a broader range of distributors from where customers can obtain refilled cylinders and other cooking gas services.

The online service will rank gas distributors on the basis of the number of days they consume to provide the LPG service effectively.

The innovative system ranks the distributors using previous records.

In addition, a new customer service cell has been created to answer the LPG-related queries and solve any distribution related issues of the customers. Once a customer registers himself/herself and makes request, a mail confirming the customer's request will be sent to the customer's mail ID.

To add to LPG customers' ease, a mobile app for Android and iPhone users has also been launched to provide facilities, like booking to refilling.