US ends export controls for India, lifts ban on ISRO, DRDO

US ends export controls for India, lifts ban on ISRO, DRDOSoon after the visit of US trade delegation headed by Locke in New Delhi, Bangalore and Mumbai an announcement is made by the US President Barack Obama and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on November 8, 2010 to implement the export control policy. This is considered as a first step to implement the export control policy.

On the eve of Independence Day, Obama Administration has removed ban from nine entities including the Indian Space Research Organization and Defense Research and Development Organization.

After a federal notification was issued in the federal registry, commerce secretary Gary Locke said that this is the stepping stone in reinforcing the US-India strategic partnership and will help both the countries to move forward with export control reforms that will facilitate high technology trade and cooperation.

Removed entities includes, Bharat Dynamics Ltd (BDL), the four remaining subordinates of the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO): Armament Research and Development Establishment (ARDE), Defense Research and Development Lab (DRDL), Missile Research and Development Complex; Solid State Physics Laboratory; and the four remaining subordinates of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO): Liquid Propulsion Systems Center, Solid Propellant Space Booster Plant (SPROB), Sriharikota Space Center (SHAR), and Vikram Sarabhai Space Center (VSSC).

Removal from entity list eliminates India from various country groups in the Export Administration Regulations. This action abolishes the license requirement specific to the companies.

A country group called as EAR includes India as its new member, in addition to other members like the Missile Technology Control Regime.

Under Secretary of Commerce Eric L Hirschhorn said that this modification confirms the commitment of work between US and India on the mutual growth of strengthening the global non-proliferation framework.

Locke is arranging another high profile and high-tech trade mission to India in February. The mission will include senior officials from the Export-Import Bank (EX-IM) and the Trade Development Agency (TDA). New Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore will their target places.