
Internet black boxes to record every email and website visit by computer users

Internet black boxes to record every email and website visit by computer usersLondon, Nov 6: Soon, Internet “black boxes” could be used to record every email and website visit made by computer users in Britain.

According to a report in the Telegraph, under the British Government’s plans to monitor Internet traffic, raw data would be collected and stored by the black boxes before being transferred to a giant central database.

The vision was outlined at a meeting between officials from the Home Office and Internet Service Providers in London.

Coming soon: PCs based on young users’ dreams

Coming soon: PCs based on young users’ dreamsLondon, November 3: Intel and ASUS are urging people to dream about and tell them what do they want in an ideal computer so that they could design PCs in accordance with the user community’s desires.

The companies have created a website, WePC. com, to enable people to share and comment on ideas to "enable a global conversation about the ideal elements of a PC."

Both companies insist that they are actually committed to building an ideal machine based on their customers’ feedbacks.

Operating systems move to the Web

Operating systems move to the WebWashington - Want to see what lies ahead in the world of operating systems? Head to the Web.

That's where you'll find some workable examples of operating systems that move everything - applications, files, and communications
- from the confines of your desktop to the more widely accessible Internet.

While the major players in the software industry are not yet among those with Web-based operating system (OS) prototypes, it's clear that the big names are paying attention - and making plans.

Importing your workspace's feel to another computer

Mountain View, California (dpa) - It only takes one experience working on someone else's computer to notice it: it's disconcerting to work without your browser bookmarks and other personal settings. There are several solutions to this problem, using either removable storage media or web-based services.

U3 technology offers one approach to a personalised mobile work environment. It uses a joint software and hardware standard developed by USB stick makers to allow for programs and configurations to be executed directly from a removable storage device.

Genius introduces infrared webcams for night recording

Langenfeld, Germany  - Genius has introduced a new infrared webcam dubbed the iSlim321R.

New titles invite gamers to lend a hand

Berlin - Most video games are so labyrinthine that, to the casual player, the games provide seemingly infinite room to explore. But truly dedicated gamers eventually reach a game's limits. While that once meant moving onto the next game, for many games that's no longer necessary.

"Create your own game" is the latest motto among game designers as brand-new games like Little Big Planet and other current titles are turning video gamers themselves into video game developers.

Christoph Adrian has been a gamer from the industry's infancy. In the 1980s, he was putting the joystick through its paces on the Commodore C64 - and even then, just playing wasn't enough.
