
Computer and internet briefs

Washington - Which version of Vista is right for your computer? Download and run the Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor
( spx). This utility will help you determine which version of Vista best suits your needs, and it will tell you whether your existing computer is up to the task of running the version of Vista you desire. The Advisor works with Windows XP and Vista systems.


Getting the right computer for your PC game

Munich - The term gaming may sound like fun, but there's more work involved than you would imagine. The most important thing is finding the right computer to meet your gaming requirements.

All computers do not have the same functions and some simply will not cut it for serious gamers. More advanced games require constant hardware upgrades. Shoppers should ask fundamental questions about their hardware. Does the game require a computer that can render virtual worlds and breathtaking graphics? Or will an ordinary PC fit the bill?

"Most people don't need the most up-to-date computer with cutting edge processors and graphics cards," says Michael Wolf of Berlin's Stiftung Warentest, a consumer reports organization.

The computer helper: Don't get scammed

Washington - Online scammers are out in full force these days. They'll try to dupe you by e-mail or through websites. And they typically want one of two things: your money or your personal information. To make sure you don't give them either, you need to keep abreast of some of the tricks they're using. Read on to learn about a few.

Q: I received an e-mail from what appears to be my credit card company. The e-mail says that my credit card was used in a number of fraudulent transactions, and a few were listed that do appear fraudulent. There's a Word attachment that the company wants me to fill out and return. Is this a scam?

Choosing the right PC: Gaming and office have different needs

Berlin - Laptop sales may have caught up with PC sales in Germany, but that's by no means an argument to make the jump. The old PC still has a lot of life in it, often offering similar service at a cheaper price and more options for expansion.

If a PC and a notebook cost about the same, the odds are that the desktop will offer more computing power and accessories. "And some high-end software is only available in a PC," says Christof Windeck of the Hanover-based c't magazine.

Don't buy a PC at random. Instead, go over it thoroughly, look at its inner workings to see how much noise its ventilation system makes when running and then make a decision.

Apple reworks its laptop line

Apple reworks its laptop lineCupertino, California - Quicker graphics, cutting edge processors, and a completely novel aluminium casing: those are the highlights of the completely reworked laptop line from Apple, as presented by CEO Steve Jobs at a recent press conference in Cupertino.

Apple also used the occasion to announce new lower prices for its portable computers, including a MacBook starting at 950 dollars. Many fans were nevertheless disappointed that Apple chose not to enter into the inexpensive netbook market, a class that includes machines for less than 300 dollars.

Software makers and IT services seeking trained workers

Berlin - Job prospects for IT specialists continue to be bright. A survey conducted by the industry association BITKOM in Berlin found that almost one-third of the companies polled had vacant positions.

By far the most jobs were available at software publishers and IT service companies. The results are not surprising: most IT projects now include consulting, individual programming services, and training phases, BITKOM president August-Wilhelm Scheer notes. Projects of that complexity require a high number of employees.

Software publishers and IT service companies have created roughly 100,000 new jobs in Germany alone since 2000. With 518,000 workers, the majority of the 829,000 jobs are in the information technology and communication (ITC) branch.
