
Analyst: Apple to sell 4.47 million iPhones in quarter

Analyst: Apple to sell 4.47 million iPhones in quarter San Francisco  - Apple will sell 4.47 million iPhone 3Gs in the current quarter, according a projection issued Wednesday by analyst Gene Munster of the merchant bank Piper Jaffray.

Munster, who is known to be extremely bullish on the sales prospects for Apple's hit communications device, had previously forecast iPhone's fourth quarter sales at 4.1 million.

Apple removes 'I Am Rich' application for iPhone

Apple removes 'I Am Rich' application for iPhone San Francisco  - Eight people paid 1,000 dollars for an 'I Am Rich' iPhone screensaver application, which Apple removed Friday.

The 'I Am Rich' programme was one of thousands of applications made available to users of the iPhone 3G, since the new communications device was launched last month.

Apple allows outside developers to create programmes for the device, but they can only be distributed through an online Apple store after the company approves them.

Apple's MobileMe Problems Mount

Apple's MobileMe Problems MountThe launch of Apple’s MobileME has proved to be quite rockier than it was ever thought. The problems associated with the service of MobileMe continue as customers complain that they have not been able to access email on the service after several days. Under such circumstances, Apple posted a tech note to its Web site apologizing to the users regarding the inconvenience caused to them.

Customers are being told that it’s the fault of a mail server that is causing all these troubles. Apple clarifies that only 1% of the users were experiencing outages.

iPhone 3G soon to be launched in India

iPhone 3G soon to be launched in India Apple's iPhone 3G is all set to rock the Indian market by the end of August or early September. The phone will be available through Vodafone and Airtel and only the 8GB model will be launched initially.

According to an anonymous source from Airtel, the iPhone 3G will carry almost the same softwares that are available in U.S. market, with some features customised to suit Indian tarrifs. Also the softwares will be available from App store with revised prices for the Indian consumers.

Apple reports record third quarter results

Apple reports record third quarter resultsSan Francisco  - Powered by unprecedented demand for its Macbooks, iPhones and iPods, Apple reported record revenue and third quarter profits Monday.

Net quarterly profits were 1.07 billion dollars, or 1.19 dollars per diluted share, compared to 818 million dollars, or 92 cents per diluted share, in the year-ago quarter. The Silicon Valley manufacturer of computers, phones and media players posted revenue of 7.46 billion dollars compared to 5.41 billion dollars a year ago.

Apple regains third place in US PC sales

Apple gained third place in the US PC sale market during the second quarter. A report on this ranking is released by International Data Corp (IDC) and Gartner.

According to IDC, Apple was marginally behind Acer by 2000 units while Apple is ahead of Acer by 65,000 units as per report of Gartner.

Total sale of PC in Q2 is about16.4 million units. It is 4 per cent more than the sale in previous year in Q2.

Dell has recorded first place by total PC sale of 5.25 million for second quarter. This sale is a 31.9 per cent share of market according to reports of Gartner. The sale was estimated between 11 and 12 per cent for second quarter by market experts.
