
Apple Plans To Open iPhones To Outsiders

San Francisco: Apple has disclosed plans to open iPhones to programs built by outsiders in a shift that could calm ailments that its lock on the devices’ mechanism is fanatic.

Apple Plays iPhone Card Well

Apple iPhoneApple is certainly playing “iPhone” card and it is playing perfectly well. The best thing about Apple Inc.'s iPhone launch games is the way it is handling its marketing.

The company first unveiled the music playing iPhone in January, then came a mysterious teaser commercial for it during the Academy Awards six weeks later, and then came out a little few other details.

Free Music Downloads From EMI, Apple

MusicEMI Group and Apple Inc. takes a significant step by releasing higher-fidelity tunes specifically designed to play on any music player or computer. EMI Group & Apple is making its entire digital collection available without the anti-privacy software. Steve Jobs, CEO Apple Inc, and EMI Group Executives, on Monday, announced that EMI music will become available on Apple’s iTunes store without digital rights management (DRM) from May, 2007. This deal will also pressurize the other record labels to open up and offer DRM-free music.
